
I'm going to start today by just putting it out there that we have a neighbor downstairs who seems to only take phone calls outside, and talks at the top of her voice every single time and I wish she would STFU times twelve. She's loud af. Just blah blah blah blah like wtf is her damn problem - my god just bring your ass inside and don't force this entire building and the one next door to listen to you talk about literally nothing to the poor soul on the other end of that. She has me typing in internet speak and run-on sentences and feeling unmitigated rage when I could be watching my girlfriend do barre.

Speaking of exercise.. aside from daily guided yoga, I just can't get motivated to do regular workouts. I have never been able to find love for repetitive physical exertion unless I'm with a friend and can distract from the brutal boredom I feel with conversation and shit talking. Watching my girlfriend work out is super hot, but I am only good for one or two workouts a week right now beyond the yoga, and that's only because internal shame won't allow me to be completely sedentary. I'd rather pour myself a whiskey, pair it with a cinnamon roll and not give a single fuck about a single thing. That's one of the many challenges a lot of us (read: me/I) must overcome while quarantined. I've managed to not fall into a familiar pattern of drinking my face off through a time of sadness and anxiety, but it doesn't mean I don't want to. I definitely do. If I wasn't with a motivated, attractive woman I'd surely gain back a large portion of the 50+ pounds I lost last year. I get bored and I like to eat and drink when I'm bored.

As far as our other neighbors go, I've only met a few of them. The woman across from us is a little older and definitely keeps to herself. I've only seen her once, but she seems nice enough. The couple who lives directly downstairs from us also seem nice. We've exchanged pleasantries and short conversations here and there. They have a baby and I can see the worry on their faces. I can only imagine what it's like to protect a defenseless infant during a pandemic. After all of this is over, they seem like people I might like to have a glass of wine with.
Another girl I have encountered a couple of times at the back gate also seems cool. We only have seen each other as I am coming in and she is going out while I hold the gate for her. She jokes that she feels like she has to walk faster because I am holding the gate when she's still ten steps away. I haven't seen her since things got really scary, won't likely be holding the gate next time as that would break the social distance protocol. There is a guy a few doors down the outside walkway who has taken to playing older pop music pretty loudly some nights while he gets drunk with another presumed neighbor. He might be fun, but he also might be a jackass. Haven't decided yet and I wonder how much he is practicing distance. Somewhere next to that guy is an Eastern European couple. I got nothing on them, other than saying hello once or twice. I like their accents.

Sarah and I take walks through our neighborhood on occasion, preferably up the hills behind us. Less people that direction and the houses are beautiful. I am sure we have some famous neighbors. Maybe they'll think we're rad and invite us to parties when this bullocks is all over. There is a nice overlook a short walk up one of the streets, and the house with the best view is vacant so we can hang in the driveway and take in the view without armed guards or Larry David chasing us off. We're planning a walk today and I am sure we'll go that direction. Haven't gone aaaallll the way up yet so perhaps today is the day. It's sunny and 70 degrees.
Going on walks the other direction, as in not up the hill, is problematic. We're only a block from Hollywood Blvd and the foot traffic is heavier. Lotta shucking and jiving to avoid people that way.  There are definitely some nice streets that direction as well, including a picture perfect block lined with gigantic palm trees on both sides. It looks like a Hollywood postcard and I love it. I've always had a thing for the Hollywood mystique (or, Hollywoo as I'm pretty sure it's officially called these days). I have a creative mind and this is where creative people come to be professional creators. It's a real life fantasy. Hollywood certainly has some grime. The walk of fame, which ends a block from our apartment, runs through a particularly gritty part of town. The iconic Chinese Theater is very close by, as is the Magic Castle, the Wax Museum, Dolby Theater, Roosevelt Hotel, The Pantages, and an array of dive bars and dispensaries that I look forward to haunting eventually. We landed on a decidedly more chill stretch of Babylon near all of that. The sweet spot.

Some of my oldest friends live in LA. People who would be in my wedding. Ride or die, lifelong friends I spent my formative years with and will forever share the bond of having come into adulthood together. Old roommates, band mates, confidants, soul brothers. The road was not paved with gold, though the hallucinogens made it look that way, but the profound adventures we went on together shaped our trajectories and informed the lenses in which we view this existence with. One of the myriad weird things about this quarantine is not getting to hang out in person with the homeys and their spouses and kids. The bottles of wine we'll drink at my apartment, the backyard BBQ's with beers at their places, the music we'll hopefully make together, the role of rad uncle I'll play in their kids' lives, the proper integration of Sarah into our circle, the shows we'll go to together, camping trips - all of that will be so very welcome when the time comes. I love you all tremendously, I thank you for playing key roles in the construction of who I am, and I can't wait to hang out as mega grown folk who still like to shake it loose from time to time. None of us look our ages, and I truly believe that's because our souls won't allow it. That's why we found each other to begin with and that's why we'll always be the coolest people in the room. Low key, of course.

Perhaps I'll use this space to tell a few stories about my friends and I from time to time. I'll also reflect on travels and a life lived in music. If there were a movie made about my life, it would be one I'd want to see. I've always put a premium on adventure and soul enrichment, seeing the world through romantic eyes - even in my most frustratingly jaded moments. I love to travel and wrap myself up in the culture and surroundings of far away places. I love having stories to tell and I'll always encourage anyone listening to go out and see as much of the world as you possibly can. I still have so much to see and I'm thirsty to see it, and it surprises me how many creative and otherwise adventurous people haven't made traveling a major priority. It's easy, just aim for the second star to the left and head straight on till morning. 

That brings me to the song I've attached today. My other band - Mathias and the Pirates - did this one some years back with our friend Scrub. The great Damon Davis produced it. I promise I won't always just put music I've been a part of making in here, but it seemed appropriate today. I'll make sure to highlight someone else next time around. Until then.. Stay safe and stay fed. Wash your hands and call your mom.

Mathias & The Pirates ft.Scrub - "Second Star to the Right"


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